

1 Jan 2019

Notice of OBSF AGM

1st Jan 2019

In accordance with the provisions of the constitution, the Annual General Meeting of the Oceania Billiards and Snooker Federation will be held at Mounties 101 Meadows Rd, Mt Pritchard NSW on Monday 11th March commencing at 7:00pm.

Nominations are called for the following positions:-

  • President Two year term (Incumbent Frank Dewens)
  • Vice President Two year term (Incumbent John Chan)
  • Secretary Two year term (Incumbent Lyndon Parnell)
  • Treasurer Two year term (Incumbent Adam Wyard)
  • Board Member Two year term (Incumbent Neil Gyde NZ)
  • Board Member Two year term (Incumbent Bhatti Riffat Fiji)

**Each candidate for these positions shall be nominated by a Member Country. Consent from candidates to serve must accompany the nomination

Signed nominations in writing must be in the hands of the Secretary not less than 30 days prior to the date of the AGM and shall be circulated to all Members by the Secretary with the Notice of Annual General Meeting. The Secretary shall receive the signed nominations by mail, facsimile transmission or email.

Any proposed amendments to the Constitution or Notices of Motion need to be received by the Secretary Lyndon Parnell at

by Friday 8th February.

Any nominations or Notices of Motion need to be proposed and seconded on letterhead paper and duly signed by the authorised person.

Frank Dewens

OBSF Acting President